Put up or shut up!
My leadership all a twitter... game's up!
Toiled and toiled with all our might
Nary a hope in sight!
One sank the Titanic for sure
But ours was blessed de jure
ALM Champs, Sprint mails, MVP Summits
Oh! What a joy to get those plaudits
Fired on all cylinders together
As Marketplace became all weather
Elastic clusters went smarter
Release exploded all a thunder
And Test slowly revealed its wonder
Was it too good to be true?
As DevOps Projects turned Azure bluer than blue?
Oh! As the ennui set in
From SFO he flew in
Did the unthinkable with GitHub
Set the industry on a hubbub!
As the monsoons begin to retreat
After a lovely deluge of treats
This old man must turn a new leaf
In millennials, his belief remains deep!